Digger is first of all a dog that stars in personality and temperament.
He loves everyone, life for him is a great and happy adventure, and learning new things is a joy. He comes from a family that
has proved themselves also as service dogs; his litter sister is an Alzheimer's Aid dog, and a number of half siblings are
super working dogs in a variety of service tasks.
Born July 13, 2007
Digger has now completed his Israel Ch. title, gaining his third CAC at the Herding Breeds
Specialty, January 16, 2010, under judge Suncica Lazic from Serbia.
He also gained Exc.2 ResCACIB ResGCh his first time out in Ch. class, at the Tel Aviv International
Show, May 8, 2010, judge Revas Khomasuridze, Russia.
to go to shows and meet the ladies.
He has already competed successfully at the show in Hulten Netherlands on June 5, 2010, gaining
Exc2 in Ch. class under the judge John Wauben.
He has also met his first lovely lady and puppies are expected in August.

Digger is on his way to his title - CAC, Res.CACIB from Intermediate Class, Afula International Show, May 9, 2009, judge:
Milivoje Urosevic from Serbia
His second CAC - Herding Breeds Specialty, December 19, 2009, judge: Claudio de Giuliani, Italy - Open Class Exc.
1, CAC
Pedigree for Gold Digger Collie Sable and white
Hips: A/A
Eyes: CEA very mild
MDR1: -/-
Sire Ch. Argent's As Good As It Gets |
Sire Ch. Tartanside Vanguard |
Sire Ch. Countryview Golden Starr |
Dam Tartanside Tantalize |
Dam Ch. Argent Extreme Badditude |
Sire Ch. Twin Acres Dark and Dashing |
Dam Ch. Glenhill Argent Super Nova |
Dam Ch. Kings Valley After All |
Sire Ch. Kings Valley Illumination |
Sire Ch. Kings Valley Frequent Flyer |
Dam Ch. Kings Valley Quicken PT |
Dam Ch. Marnus Day After Day |
Sire Ch. Marnus Royal Gold |
Dam Ch. Marnus Day By Day |

At one year of age |

At one year of age |

May 17, 2008 - Tel Aviv International Show
After a lot of successes as a puppy, Digger is Junior Class Exc. 1 and Best Junior, his first time out in Junior Class.
