June 2010:
Digger and Sky are enjoying life in Germany, where they will stay for a while to attend shows and meet the ladies.
Digger has already met one German beauty - watch for details...
Take a look at our latest wins and titles:
Tempo is now an Israel Champion!
Joshua, our American boy, is making an impression!
Athens International Show, October 6, 2007, Judge Mr. George Costopoulos, Greece - CAC, CACIB,
Athens International Show, October 7, 2007, Judge Mr. Norman Huidobro Corbett, Spain - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Herding Breed Club show, October 26, 2007, Judge Ms Carla Molinari, Portugal - Ch. Class Winner, BD, BOS
His lovely daughter Lida, who lives in Greece, was BOS on both days.
His newly crowned Ch. daughter, TG, was Ch.Class winner on Oct.26, and his three month old son, Gold Digger, started his show career by going Class Winner
and best male puppy.
Maayan Harod International Show, Sept. 8, 2007
TG - BOB, CAC (to complete Israel Ch.), CACIB, and Group 2!
We are very proud of our girl.
Ma'ayan Harod International Show, May 12, 2007 -
We are proud to announce that:
TG takes the CAC and CACIB
Shadow of the Moon of Netiv HaAyit , 1 year old daughter of DoJo and Shadow and proudly owned by Lena Kamenski, wins, Exc.1 Junior Class, Best Junior, Best
Bitch, Best of Breed, and 3rd BEST IN GROUP!!! We are very proud of this little girl, who has already had several wins
in puppy and junior classes.

Tempo is BEST IN SHOW!
February 3, 2007 - Israel Herding Breeds Club Specialites - 2 shows in one day, judged by Miroslaw and Anna
Redliccy from Poland: Casanova of Netiv HaAyit (Tempo), first time out in open class, went BOB at both shows, and BIS at one and Reserve BIS at the second! We
are so proud of our boy!

New Champions!
16/9/06, Herding Club specialty, judge Kryztina Opara - CAC, BOB, BIS
2/12/06, Herding Club specialty, judge Pyotr Krol - CAC
15/9/06, Herding Club Specialty, Judge Janusz Opara - CAC, BOB, BIS
New International Champion!
7/10/06 - Kennel Club of Greece CACIB show - judge Tamas Jakkel - CAC, CACIB, BOS
8/10/06 - Kennel Club of Greece CACIB show - judge Natalja Nekrosiene - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Tiffany of Netiv HaAyit, at her first shows for her new owner in Greece, went Best Puppy of Breed on both days and was 3rd Best Puppy in Show
on 8/10/06. She has since won several Best Puppy awards at club and international shows in Greece.
July 1, 2006, Israel Herding Breeds Specialty, Judge Mr. Avi Marshak:
Puppies!!! May 2006 has been a very fertile month for us here! See details under Puppies.
Israel Herding Breeds Club Show, February 11, 2006
Judge: Dr. Zafra Sirik, Israel
Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in Show - TG
Junior Class Exc. 1 - Tempo
Open Dogs, Excellent 1, CAC, BOS - Silver
Open Bitches, Exc. 1, CAC, BOB - Penny
Smooths -
Open Bitches, Exc.1, CAC, BOB - Freckle
Israel Herding Breeds club show, October 22, 2005, Judge: Ms. Lessi Tchistyakova, Russia:
Tempo: Junior Class, Exc.1
Freckle: Junior Class, Exc.1, BOS, Reserve Best Junior in Show
Spirit: Open Class Exc.1, CAC, BOB
Maayan Harod International Show, September 24, 2005
Judge: Luis Pinto Teixeira, Portugal
Israel Herding Dogs Club Show, May 7, 2005 -
Exc.1, Class Winner, Best Junior in Breed, 3rd Best Junior in Show - Aurora
Best smooth puppy, 3rd Best Puppy in Show - Freckle
Best junior in breed, BOB - Spirit
Maayan Harod International Show, April 9 - Exc., BD, CAC, CACIB
Spirit - Best Junior, Best of Breed
Shadow is home, and expecting a litter third week in April. This is a repeat on the super litter that produced Spirit
and Aurora. Expected - Blues and Tris, roughs and smooths.
More Show News!!!
Herding Dog Club Specialty, Feb 11, 2005
Judge: Mr. Skip Stanbridge, Canada
Best Junior Rough: Nifty of Netiv HaAyit (son of DoJo and Tia)

Netiv HaAyit breeding group, photo Y.Guy |
Show News!!!
Israel Herding Dogs Club Specialty, Dec.4,3004
Judge (puppy classes) : Mrs. Agnes Ganami-Kertes
Judge (adults and Best In): Mr.N. Deschuymere, Belgium
New Additions!
New Additions!!!!
Our new Brazilian girl Penny - see her page!
And our new American addition - "Josh", or officially Argent As Good As It Gets (Ch. Tartanside Vanguard ex Ch. Argent Extreme Badditude)
"Josh" will be doing some shows in the US before he comes over to Israel.
More show news!
DoJo - Best Junior and BOS, Club Show, March 13, 2004
Best Junior,
Res.Best Dog, Maayan Harod International Show, May 8, 2004
BOB, Maayan Harod
International Show, May 8, 2004
DoJo goes Best Puppy in Show!
Maayan Harod International Show, Oct. 25, 2003

and Tia gets CACIB and BOB -
What a Great Day!!!!

Excuse the summer clothes! |
September 19, 2003, Israeli Herding Breeds Club, Judge Mr. Igor
Selmovic, Croatia - CAC, BOB and 3 Best in Show
"Tia" has completed her champion as an undefeated bitch, at the
age of only 21 months.
We are very proud of these two!

Don Juan at 7 months |

New Puppies!!!!
Joy is now in Finland - you will be hearing of her in the future.

Joy of Netiv HaAyit at 10 weeks |

Shadow received the RWB at Tamana Valley Kennel Club on March 22, 2003!
April 5, 2003 - Tia does it again!
Maayan Harod International Show, her first time out as an adult - CAC,CACIB,
and BOB!

Tia (Royalty of Netiv HaAyit) continues her winning ways!
Feb. 15, 2003, Herding Breeds Specialty, Judge: Dr. Rita Trainen
Best Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex from the Junior Class
and Best Junior in Show!
Lulie (Storm Cloud of Netiv HaAyit) finishes her championship!
Israel Herding Breeds Specialty, Dec.
12, 2002
Judge: Anneke Brooeymans, Holland
Exc. 1 Open Class, CAC, Best Bitch,
Best of Breed
November 23, 2002 - a great day for the Netiv HaAyit collies!
Israel Herding Dogs Club Specialty
Judge: Dr.Elena Balazsovits, Nyitramenti Collies
Out of a very large entry including a number of quality imports, judged by a well known and
respected collie breeder, we are thrilled to announce:
Best brace in show - Royalty and Maharajah
We are still in the clouds!
Maayan Harod International Dog Show, Oct. 19 2002
Judge: Mr. Leif H. Wilberg, Norway
Netiv HaAyit Collies - 2nd place all breeds, progeny
