Chance has completed the titles of Junior Ch., Champion, and Grand Champion. Not only a pretty face, she loves
herding and when we don't have a chance to go to work with sheep, she herds all guests that come into the yard. She is a high
energy, outgoing, confident girl, who has produced outstanding puppies from her first litter sired by Churchoak Tattler.

Chance busy with her favorite sport |
Born: Dec. 16, 2008
Hips: A/A
Eyes: Normal/carrier
MDR1 +/-
Pedigree for Chance Collie, sable and white
Sire Blue Chip of Netiv HaAyit |
Sire Int.Isr.Ch. Netiv HaAyit Silver Spirit |
Sire AKC Ch. King's Valley Frequent Flyer |
Dam Int.Isr.Ch.EuroWinner01 Moonlight Shadow of Netiv HaAyit |
Dam Isr.Ch. King's Valley After All |
Sire AKC Ch. King's Valley Illumination |
Dam AKC Ch. Marnus Day After Day |
Dam Isr.Ch. Manakel Lakefield Pinnwinnie |
Sire Br.Ch.WW04 Manakel MacGregor |
Sire Br.AKC Ch. Lakefield Love In My Heart |
Dam Manakel Chivas Regal |
Dam Br.Ch.Lakefield Lauren of Liable |
Sire Br.Ch. Lakefield Lover of Liable |
Dam Br.Ch. Lakefield Lohanna of Liable |

Chance has now become Isr. JCh.!
June 12, 2010, Israel Herding Breeds Specialty, judge Dr. Rochelle Ehrlich, South Africa - Junior Class Exc1, JCAC, Best
Junior in Breed, Best Junior in Show!
May 5, 2010, Tel Aviv International Show, judge Revas Khomasuridze, Russia - Junior Class, Excellent

We were not planning on keeping Chance - too many dogs! - but this gorgeous puppy was impossible
to resist. We expect her to make her mark in the show ring, but even more, her temperament is absolutely super!
Chance has been to her first show -
Herding Breeds Specialty, December 19, 2009
Judge: Claudio de Giuliani, Italy
Junior Class: Exc.1, JCAC, Best Junior

At 5 months |
