To our sorrow, Shachmat has crossed the rainbow bridge.
He has left a precious legacy behind in his many outstanding descendents. We will never forget him and we will always
miss him.
In Memory - May 17, 1988 - June 2, 2003

ISBR 51304
Born: May 17, 1988
me Shaar Hagai
Shimshon me Shaar Hagai
Bat Hol me Shaar Hagai
Int.Isr.Ned.Ch.WW85-6-7-9 etc. Sirpad me Shaar Hagai
Isr.Ch. Laish me Bnei HaBitachon
Isr.Ch. Ayn HaArava me Shaar Hagai
Smadar me Shaar Hagai
Int.Isr.Ch.WW Shachmat me Shaar Hagai
BenBar me Jericho
Bar me Jericho
BatBar me Jericho
Tehiya me Shaar Hagai
Isr.Ch. Laish me Bnei HaBitachon
Pisgat HaHar me Shaar Hagai
me Shaar Hagai

Shachmat at 13 years of age, Best Veteran at the International Canaan Dog Specialty show

Shachmat with his best friend and favorite person, my daughter Dorcas.

Shachmat with our next generation, Dorcas' children |
Shachmat has always been a housepet, guardian, and friend. He loves the show ring and is always
happy to show off, but shines as well in other things - he has been an obedience winner, has put on shows in schools, and
gained many friends for the breed wherever he has gone. Many in Israel and abroad know Shachmat! At 15 years
of age, he is still enjoying life and going strong.
His wonderful characteristics have been handed down to his many winning children, grandchildren, great grandchildren,
and on....