April 2013 - Lilo is retired and enjoying life as much as ever, at nine years of age as active as a youngster and still
welcoming our guests and disciplining puppies.
January 2008 - Lilo is home from France, and nursing a new litter of 9 puppies, sired by the lovely young dog V'Makole
de Solemel. She is happy to be home, and we are thrilled to have her back.

After completing her Isr. Ch. and producing an outstanding litter of puppies, Lilo has taken time off to travel, appearing
at the World Show 2006 in Poland, and currently going for her French Ch. title with our friend Laurence Aries. We miss
her, and eagerly await her return home when she has completed her title.

At 6 weeks |

Israel Spitz Club Show, October 29, 2005, Judge: Matti Tuominen, Finland: Exc.1, CAC
December 17, 2005, Spitz Club Specialty, Judge Ms. Yolanda Magal, Israel:
Open Class Exc.1, CAC
Lilo is my granddaughters special dog, her tenth birthday present at her own request. Lilo is a very special friend
and companion, but we expect that she will also be very special in the show ring and the whelping box in future. Watch
for her!
Lilo is a daughter of Pereh me Nachal Yealim and Ch. Velikayas Shuvi HaBayta.

At six months |
ISBR 95401
Born: Jan. 27, 2004
Ben Bedoui me Nachal Yealim
Pereh me Nachal Yealim
Bat Bedoui me Nachal Yealim
me Shaar Hagai
Multi Ch. Edom Beit Kuti
Velikaya's Mitzav Ruach
Int.Isr.Ch. Tehila me Shaar Hagai
Isr. Ch. Velikaya's Shuvi HaBayta
Multi Ch. Lahav me Shaar Hagai
Multi Ch. Aliza Beit Kuti
Reut me Shaar Hagai