April 2013: Kiss is retired from the show ring and the whelping box, but certainly doesn't consider herself a retiree,
she is as alert and active as ever.
January 19, 2008 - "Kiss" completes her Israel Ch., Tel Aviv International Show, judge Norman Huidobro Corbett (Spain)

"Kiss" (her Hebrew name is translated as "French Kiss") is the result of a whirlwind romance between her mother, Pandora,
and a debonaire French gentleman while Pandora was gaining her French Championship. "Kiss" is a lovely youngster with
a super temperament. We expect her to make a big impression in the show ring when she has grown up a bit.
October 2007:
Kiss now has two CACs and 1 CACIB -
we are hoping to finish her Isr. Ch. this year, and are planning to breed her in the spring.

Kiss at two months |

Kiss at three months |

Her first show - Israel Spitz Dog Club, October 29, 2005, Judge Matti Tuominen from Finland: Exc.1 Best Junior
in Breed, Best Junior in Show.
Her second show - Spitz Club Specialty, December 17, 2005, Judge Ms. Yolanda Magal, Israel:
Exc.1, Best Junior in Breed, 2nd Best Junior in Show, BB, BOB, 3rd Best in Show.
What an exciting day!
Kiss's litter brother, Shaked me Shaar Hagai, has also started with success on his show career. Shaked
is owned and loved by Yinon Zuckerman, Israel.
Spitz Club Specialty, December 17, 2005 - Junior Class Exc.1, BD, BOS

Photos Lorna Hastings |
